The penalties for theft usually depend on the act itself and the value of the property at issue. However, all theft charges are serious, whether they are a misdemeanor or a felony. Moreover, they can have a negative impact on your ability to get a job, a house, or higher education.
No matter the classification of the charge, it is important to contact an experienced Statesville theft lawyer to help you fight against it and protect your future. If you are facing criminal theft charges, it is crucial to have an experienced theft defense attorney fighting for you.
Michael D. Cleaves has more than 20 years of experience as a theft charge attorney. Mr. Cleaves evaluates every detail of your case and takes the time to understand your personal situation so he can provide you with a strong and effective defense. At The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC, you will find a lawyer who fights for you.
There are many factors considered in theft cases that can lead to confusion and stress. Mr. Cleaves understands the North Carolina justice system. He will work closely with you against any charge, including:
All these charges fall under larceny in North Carolina law, but each one leads to different penalties, sometimes involving a jail sentence and possible fines. However, you can fight these charges to avoid such sentences.
Mr. Cleaves negotiates with prosecutors every day on his clients’ behalf. He always strives to negotiate a reduced or dismissed sentence for you. With attorney Michael D. Cleaves on your side, he will ensure that you understand all your options moving forward and help you choose the one that fits your goals. He is committed to protecting your rights and reducing the stress of facing theft charges in Statesville, NC.
When you are facing theft charges, you’re also facing serious consequences. The criminal penalties can be stiff, and the repercussions of having a criminal record could have a significant impact on your life.
It’s important that you have someone working with you who understands the totality of the situation, is honest with you about your options, and can fight to get the optimal outcome for you, given the situation. Working with a Statesville theft lawyer is critical to giving your case a formidable chance.
The work of your lawyer can begin even before there’s been an arrest. If you’re being investigated for a crime, a lawyer can help you protect your rights even then. You have a right to protection from unlawful searches and seizures.
A theft lawyer can help defend those rights throughout the process, including your rights to silence and protection from self-incrimination. If you are arrested, it’s critical that you contact us and let us help you safeguard your rights.
To defend someone who’s been charged with a crime, we usually begin with a thorough investigation of the charges and the events or actions that led to them. We look for evidence that can be helpful in trying to defend against the accusations of the prosecution.
Depending on the particulars of the case, we search for anything that can be useful in defending you, including photos, videos, and witness interviews. If necessary, we can use the ability to subpoena relevant information.
While investigating, we put ourselves in the prosecutor’s position to understand how they might plan on prosecuting the case. This can be helpful in putting together a defense. The burden of proof is on the prosecution, so we try to identify any potential weak points in their case. If we can insert reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors by magnifying these flaws, that can be critical to a strong defense.
Exactly what strategy for defense makes the most sense for your case will depend on the particular details of your situation. However, in many cases, a strong defense begins before the trial.
We can attempt to get the case dismissed on any relevant grounds. We can also, where applicable, attack the validity of the prosecution’s evidence, as anything obtained unlawfully shouldn’t be allowed into the trial.
Also, before the trial, there may be an offer of a plea deal. Depending on the circumstances, this may be an option that should be considered. As your representation, we make every effort to negotiate the most favorable deal that we can. However, determining whether it is the right option for you will be your choice.
If the case goes to trial, we represent and advocate for you throughout the full process. We defend against the accusations against you and seek to create a reasonable doubt regarding your guilt. However, because even well-prepared cases can sometimes result in a guilty charge, we can continue to fight for you through sentencing and appeals.
At The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC, we help you safeguard your rights and your future. Call our Statesville office at 704-871-0425 or send us an email to arrange a free consultation. Se habla español.
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