Mocksville Violent Crime Lawyer

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Mocksville Violent Crime Attorney

Simply facing an accusation of a violent crime can alter the course of your life and leave your future in the dark. To safeguard your rights and whatever the future may hold, it’s critical that you hire the right Mocksville violent crime lawyer. The legal proceedings that surround these serious matters can be overwhelming and confusing, which is why you’ll need someone at your side who can fight for your interests.

At the end of the day, no matter the specifics of your case, you don’t have to do this alone. An experienced Mocksville criminal defense lawyer can apply their knowledge and understanding of criminal law to aggressively seek justice and a positive outcome for your case.

Mocksville Violent Crime Lawyer

What Constitutes a Violent Crime in Mocksville?

Violent crimes can range from small misdemeanors to severe felonies in North Carolina. These offenses typically involve the use of violence and/or weapons. Additionally, even if no force is employed in the crime, just the threat of using violence against another human being is considered a violent crime. Common examples of violent crimes that occur in North Carolina include the following:

  • Kidnapping
  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Simple Assault
  • Manslaughter
  • Assault of a female
  • Sexual assault
  • Child abuse
  • Assault by pointing a gun
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Assault on a government official
  • Domestic violence
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Verbal, communicated threats

If you find yourself facing any charges on this list or even a violent crime that isn’t, the team at The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC, understands the factors that play into each of these crimes and the accusations that come along with them. You don’t have to face this alone.

Why Choose The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC

With over 20 years of experience, our lead criminal defense attorney has the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for the rights of his clients. Our team understands that each case comes with its own set of complexities and can analyze these details in order to strategize the right defense for you. Throughout the duration of your legal proceedings, our firm can work to:

  • Ensure You Know and Understand Your Rights: We can help you understand the rights you are entitled to. If you find yourself arrested for a violent crime, it is important you not speak with any member of law enforcement until your attorney is present. Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. When your lawyer arrives, they can speak for you and ensure your rights are protected.
  • Complete an Investigation of Your Case: Our team has the ability to investigate the circumstances surrounding your case. We can go over the evidence and gather testimony from witnesses in order to positively impact your case. The investigation also has the potential to increase the chances of having your case dismissed.
  • Determine the Correct Strategic Defense: From the first consultation, our lead attorney can start analyzing your case and developing a strong strategy for defense. With our wide range of knowledge surrounding North Carolina violent crimes, our team can strategize the right course of action to take in your defense.
  • Negotiate With the Prosecution: Our lead defense attorney has the prowess necessary to enter negotiations with the prosecution on your behalf. If there is the potential for a plea deal to be made in your favor, for penalties to be lessened, or for the case to be dismissed entirely, our team can advocate for you.
  • Represent You in Court: In the instances where your violent crime case advances to trial, our team can be there every step of the way to defend you and fight for your rights.

Common Penalties for Mocksville Violent Crimes

If you find yourself facing violent crime charges in Mocksville, NC, or Iredell County, the penalties are serious and almost always include a sentence to serve extensive jail time. Convictions for these crimes often involve a life imprisonment sentence, a litany of fees and fines, counseling, probation, victim restitution, and, in some cases, having to register as a sex offender.

Additionally, your criminal record would have a permanent mark that could affect your ability to obtain future employment or licensure for certain professions. Unfortunately, if convicted, any background check run on you will show your violent crime conviction.

Strategic Defenses for Mocksville Violent Crime

Like all criminal cases, violent crime charges can be approached with a litany of different defenses. Because each case is different, it needs a strategic defense that correlates with all details and nuances involved. Some common defenses that our firm may employ in your case include:

  • Self Defense
  • Defense of Others
  • Insanity
  • Entrapment
  • Necessity
  • Intoxication
  • Mistake of Fact


Q: What Is Considered a Violent Crime in North Carolina?

A: In the state of California, a violent crime is any crime that is done while harming, attempting to harm, or threatening to harm another human being with violence and/or a weapon. These types of crimes usually include sexual assault, use of weapons, assault and battery, and murder, with first-degree murder being the most serious.

Q: Can I Get My Violent Crime Charges Reduced or Dismissed?

A: After a careful review of the case and evidence presented, the prosecution team has the power to dismiss your violent crime charge if they deem it necessary. In some instances, pieces of the crime cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and charges have the potential of getting dropped.

Q: How Long Does It Typically Take to Resolve a Violent Crime Case?

A: In most violent crime cases, there are a litany of factors that can affect the timeline of the case. Variables such as the severity of the crime, the evidence involved, the need of having to wait for certain lab results, and any eyewitness testimony that needs to be given can affect how long a case remains open.

Q: Is Simple Assault a Violent Crime in North Carolina?

A: Though considered one of the least serious charges in North Carolina, simple assault is still categorized as a violent crime. Simple assault usually results in minor injury with a lower threat of violence. Though physical harm is usually not committed in a simple assault, it does include the intention of intimidating or instilling fear in the victim.

Schedule a Consultation With a Mocksville Violent Crime Lawyer Today

At The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC, our team is passionate about treating your case with the personal care and attention to detail it deserves. With our skill and experience, our attorneys are fully capable of making sound decisions when it comes to your rights and will aggressively fight for your future. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you.

Mocksville Practice Areas

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

DWI Lawyer And DUI Defense

DWI Lawyer And DUI Defense

Traffic Ticket

Traffic Ticket

Drug Crime

Drug Crime

Violent Crime

Violent Crime


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