What should I do if somebody accuses me of domestic assault?

What should I do if somebody accuses me of domestic assault?

What should I do if somebody accuses me of domestic assault?

On Behalf of The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC |

Domestic violence affects thousands of American families and households. This is why the majority of communities hold domestic violence in such low regard. Committing domestic assault is not just a crime against another person, but a crime against the community.

This is why if somebody accuses you falsely of domestic violence, it is important to act quickly. If somebody is accusing you of domestic violence, stay calm and make sure to contact your family and friends immediately.

Your reaction matters

It is natural if your initial reaction to an individual accusing you of domestic violence is very strong. However, it is important to manage and respond to the accusations calmly. If you fly off the handle in reaction to the accusations, this is not going to make you look particularly stable.

Instead, stay calm and channel your energy into managing the situation. A good first step is to contact family and friends.

Getting the support you need

Domestic violence is a crime that the community often tries in the court of gossip before the court of law. Even if you are completely innocent of the accusations, it is important that your friends and family hear about this directly from you rather than through gossip. You do not want to give them the chance to believe you may be guilty of this crime.

The more robust support you can garner from family and friends, the easier going through dealing with the accusations will be. Fending off false allegations of domestic assault is challenging both legally and emotionally. You will need support.

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