If a law enforcement officer pulls you over on suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he or she may well ask you to take a field sobriety test to confirm his or her suspicions. Should you agree to take this test?
The answer is a resounding NO. Not only does North Carolina law not require you to take this test, but Alcohol Problems and Solutions points out that doing so is against your best interests because you stand a good chance of failing one or more of its three parts even though completely sober.
Actually, the field sobriety test consists of three separate tests as follows:
If you have difficulty maintaining your balance under the best of circumstances, you can easily see why you likely will fail the walk and turn test and the one-legged stand test. Other factors that could cause you to perform poorly include the following:
Given that the field sobriety test is strictly voluntary on your part, common sense dictates that you politely decline to take it.
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