Driving is not a right but a privilege. The state that issued you your driver’s license initially can also take it away for a number of reasons, such as drunk driving or accruing demerit points on your driving record.
You can lose your driving privileges through license suspension or revocation. Driving without a valid license can incur further legal consequences. Here are some things you should know about license suspension or revocation.
Suspension of your driver’s license means that you are not able to use it legally for a certain period of time. However, once the suspension ends, you can go back to driving on the same license. Revocation means that your license is no longer valid. You must wait a while before you can get a new one, and sometimes the revocation is permanent.
The period of suspension or revocation depends on the offense that caused it. Generally, it lasts up to a year. Following a one-year revocation, you can apply to get a new driver’s license.
Driving with a suspended or revoked license is against the law. It can extend the period of the suspension or revocation and result in points on your driving record. For a first or second offense, the suspension or revocation may increase by one year or two years, respectively. For a third or subsequent offense, the state may permanently revoke your license, which means you can never get another one.
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