Can a drug dealer be charged with murder?

Can a drug dealer be charged with murder?

Can a drug dealer be charged with murder?

On Behalf of The Law Office of Michael D. Cleaves, PLLC |

The drug problem in North Carolina and across the country is challenging lawmakers to figure out a way to prevent these drugs from getting onto the streets and into the hands of people. The number of overdose deaths is at an all-time high, and stopping people from using drugs is not an easy task. Lawmakers in the state now have a new approach, getting to the heart of things and holding those who sell the drugs accountable.

According to WTKR, a new law would charge drug dealers with second-degree murder if they sell to a person who later overdoses and dies. The death by distribution act could put a dealer in prison for up to 40 years.

As with many other suggestions n how to tackle the drug crisis, opponents think doing this would stop people from seeking help in an overdose situation. They feel it may interfere with the Good Samaritan law, which provides immunity for someone who calls for help for someone who has overdosed. This law makes it so a person who is also using illegal substances will not be afraid to call for help due to the potential of arrest for his or her part in the overdose.

However, the death by distribution act contains language that specifically mentions the Good Samaritan law and how it is not to impact that law. In fact, the main intent is to target high-level dealers and gang members who are bringing drugs into the state. This information is for education and is not legal advice.

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