Author Archives: Michael D. Cleaves

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What are your rights when stopped by the police in public?
What are your rights when stopped by the police in public?

Even if you have done nothing wrong, an encounter with the police can be stressful. Your stress may increase if you believe that the officer may be profiling you on…

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The causes of false confessions
The causes of false confessions

If an individual in North Carolina has been accused of committing a crime, it is difficult to believe that hey may make a false confession. The truth is that false…

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What should you do when pulled over for a traffic violation?
What should you do when pulled over for a traffic violation?

While some North Carolina traffic violations can just be a nuisance, others can lead to excessive fines, points on your license and even tense situations that lead to danger. No…

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What are aggravating factors in DWI sentencing?
What are aggravating factors in DWI sentencing?

A charge of driving while intoxicated is already a serious matter. However, DWI offenses can be made even worse by other factors that took place before or at the time…

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